Kinected • Strength
Briana, Andrea, and Jess walking along a dock
Briana and Jess doing kettlebell exercises
It's Strength
It's Education
It's Community
It's more than fitness.

Your home for kinesiology, strength training, and active rehab in North Vancouver.

Join a community of evidence-based strength training.

Briana, Jess, and Andrea flexing for the camera

Who we are

We are a team of three kinesiologists in North Vancouver who strive to create community and playfulness combined with high quality strength training and rehab services.

Since starting to work together in 2017, we quickly discovered we had a connection. Not only did our personalities and values align, but so did our coaching styles.

We're three best friends who love what we do!

What we do

When you train with us you can expect evidence-based training with a focus on movement quality. This includes individualized mobility, motor control, balance, core, and strength work. Our favorite tool is the kettlebell, as it addresses all of these key pillars of health.

Jess doing a turkish get-up
Kinected • Strength


What sets
Kinected Strength apart?